Download SIMPLEX (ver. 3.0.0)
Before downloading, pay attention to the followings:
- Even if you suffer losses and damages by using SIMPLEX, the authors are not responsible for compensating for them.
- Even if problems and bugs are found about SIMPLEX, the authors are not responsible for version up.
To enable parallel computing
SIMPLEX supports parallel computing with MPI. To enable it, you need to install MPI environment; Open MPI for LINUX and macOS, MS-MPI for Windows. In addition, path to "mpiexec" should be set. Then, tick "Enable Parallel Computing" option in "Simulation Controls" tab.Notice on the release of ver. 3
- The input and output formats have been changed to JSON.
- The output file name is automatically determined, without the file selection dialog box; before starting any simulation, specify the data folder and prefix (+ serial number).
- 32-bit versions are not supported any longer.
- Calling the solver without GUI has been officially supported; refer to the reference manual for details.
Windows Version
Uncompress the zipped file and move the whole directory ("simplex") to a desired location. Note: self-executable installer is no more available.Mac OS Version (compiled on macOS 14 - Sonoma)
- simplex_macosx.tgz for Intel processor
- simplex_macosx_m.tgz for Apple silicon
Important Notes for macOS users
Because of the security enhancement made in 10.12, many (freely-available) applications downloaded from anywhere out of the App Store may fail, which is known as an "App Translocation" problem. To avoid this and run SIMPLEX correctly, the users should remove the "extended attribute" that is attached to the SIMPLEX archive file (simplex_macosx.tgz or simplex_macosx_m.tgz) downloaded online, before uncompressing it; to do so, follow the steps as follows.- Open "Terminal" App (from Launch Pad) and change directory to where the archive file is saved (probably /Users/youname/Downloads, where "youname" is your account name).
- In the terminal window, run "ls -la" command to see the attribute of the archive file; you'll find a character "@", meaning that the extended attribute is attached.
- In the terminal window, run "xattr -c simplex_macosx.tgz" or "xattr -c simplex_macosx_m.tgz" command to remove the extended attribute.
- Check if the extended attricute has been removed by "ls -la" again.
- Move the archive file to a desired directory and double-click it to uncompress; then SIMPLEX should run without problem.
Linux Version
- simplex_Ubuntu_18.04.6_LTS.tar.gz compiled on Ubuntu 18.04
- simplex_Ubuntu_20.04.6_LTS.tar.gz compiled on Ubuntu 20.04
- simplex_Ubuntu_22.04.3_LTS.tar.gz compiled on Ubuntu 22.04
- simplex_CentOS_Stream_8.tar.gz compiled on CentOS Stream 8 (MPICH for MPI environment)
- simplex_openSUSE_Leap_15.5.tar.gz compiled on OpenSUSE 15.5 (MPICH for MPI environment)