SIMulator & Postprocessor for free electron Laser EXperiments
Version-up History
Ver. 3.0
Ver. 3.0.0 (2023/11/01)
Renewal of the GUI with new libraries.
Change of the input and output format (JSON).
Official support to utilize the solver without the GUI.
and many others ...
Ver. 2.1
Ver. 2.1.1 (2017/08/12)
Implemented a "Sort" option to rearramge the macroparticles when former simulations are used as an input file.
Fixed bugs related to post-processor configurations.
Linux versions have been compiled as statically as possible to be compatible with as many distributions as possible.
Ver. 2.1.0 (2015/07/31)
Helical, elliptical and multi-harmonic undulators have been supported.
Algorithm for optimization of quadrupole strength and initial Twiss parameters for the betatron matching condition has been improved.
Postprocessor has been improved with a lot of new functions.
Reference manual has been renewed.
Simulations without installing the MPI environment has become possible (parallel computing is not available in this case).
Fixed a lot of bugs.
Parallel computing in the MS-Windows version is now based on MS-MPI instead of MPICH2 (Mac OS X and Linux versions are still based on MPICH2).
Ver. 2.0
Ver. 2.0.2 (2012/05/01)
Self-seeding option has been implemented.
Reference manual has been renewed.
Parallel computing option has been disable under the default setting to avoid initial problems.
Ver. 2.0.1 (2011/10/18)
Supported parallel computing using MPICH2.
Ver. 1.3
Ver. 1.3.0 (2008/08/01)
Simulations with non-linear hamronic generation (NHG) have been supported.
Arbitrary macroparticle distribution in the 6-D phase space, which is obtained by start-to-end simulations for accelerator components, has become available as input data.
Results of a simulation with SIMPLEX in terms of the macroparticle distribution and radiation field profile have become availabe as input data for another simulation. Taking advantage of this, high gain harmonic generation (HGHG) scheme can be investigated in conjunction with the functions for NHG.
Error magnetic model of undulators with a random number generator has becom available.
Effects due to the alignment error of undulator can now be included in terms of the K-value variation.
Beam size and angular divergence of FEL radiation can now be calculated with the postprocessor.
A new function for the postprocessor has been added: spectrogram. This is a spectrum of radiation as a function of the bunch position along the electron bunch. By means of this, photon flux in the energy-time 2-D phase space can be characterized.
Ver. 1.2
Ver. 1.2.1 (2005/03/01)
Reference manual has been fully updated and is now ditributed in the PDF format as well as HTML documents.
Modified several GUI controls.
Added rough estimation of brilliance, total flux, and energy/bunch.
Ver. 1.2.0 (2004/09/01)
SIMPLEX home page has been created and version 1.2.0 has been released.