SIMulator & Postprocessor for free electron Laser EXperiments
Welcome to SIMPLEX home page
2023/11/01 Major upgrade has been made and version 3.0.0 has been released.
What is SIMPLEX?
SIMPLEX is a computer program to support designing the accelerator components in the FEL facility and help the FEL user estimate the optical properties of FEL radiation. Various kinds of FEL simulations can be performed using SIMPLEX.
Request from the Author
If the users are presenting or publishing their results using SIMPLEX, they are kindly requested to cite the related reference: T. Tanaka, "SIMPLEX: simulator and postprocessor for free-electron laser experiments" , Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 22, 1319–1326 (2015)
Functions supported
At present, the main functions supported in SIMPLEX are as follows:
Time-indpenedent simulation with seeding
Time-dependent simulation with shot noise
Loading the undulator-field distribution data
Loading the bunch profile of the electron beam
Wakefield calculation and implementation
Calculation of lattice functions
Various error manipulation (trajectory, phase slippage, undulator field, misalignment, etc.)
Postprocessing and visualization of the simulation results based on a GUI.
Post Processing
SIMPLEX post-processor enables the following data processing after the simulation is completed.
Plot the temporal structure of the radiation pulse
Plot the gain curve at each slice
Plot the spatial and angular profile of the power and complex amplitude of the radiation
Calculate the spectrum and profiles of the photon flux
Plot the bunch factor
Scattering plot of the elecltron distribution
GUI for pre- and post-processors
SIMPLEX is equipped with a full graphical use interface (GUI) to help the user edit a lot of input parameters related to the accelerator,
undulator, focusing components, and simulation control.