API Functions List
Brief explanations of the API functions available in spectra-ui are given here.
- spectra.Start(**kwargs)
Launch SPECTRA with options
- Parameters:
**kwargs (dict) – parameters to specify the configurations. See below for possible keys and their meanings.
src (str) – specify the location of the source files; “r” = remote (default), “l” = local
browser (str) – specify the browser; “c” = Chrome (default), “e” = Edge, “f” = Firefox, “s” = Safari
file (str) – path to the parameter file to open (default = “”)
- Returns:
>>> spectra.Start(src="l", file="./sample.json") # open the source files in the local repository with the Chrome browser, # with the parameter file "sample.json"
- spectra.Exit()
Finish SPECTRA and exit
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- spectra.Open(file)
Opens a SPECTRA parameter file.
- Parameters:
file (str) – path to the parameter file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.Open("./sample.json") # open a parameter file "sample.json" in the current directory
- spectra.Set(category, label, value)
Set a parameter or an option
- Parameters:
category (string) – specify the category of the target parameter, should be either of “acc” (Accelerator), “src” (Light Source), “config” (Configurations) or “outfile” (Output File)
label (string) – name of the target parameter
value (any) – value to be set
- Returns:
>>> spectra.Set("acc", "eGeV", 6.0) # set the electron energy to 6.0 GeV
Refer to the keyword list for the name of the target parameter.
- spectra.Get(category, label)
Get a value of a parameter automatically evaluated and being shown in the GUI
- Parameters:
category (string) – specify the category of the target parameter, should be either of “acc” (Accelerator), “src” (Light Source), “config” (Configurations) or “outfile” (Output File)
label (string) – name of the target parameter
- Returns:
value of the specified parameter
>>> spectra.Get("src", "e1st") # Get the fundamental photon energy of undulator radiation
Refer to the keyword list for the name of the target parameter.
- spectra.LoadWigner4CMD(file)
Load an output file generated in the former calculation (2D or 4D Wigner function) to perform the CMD (coherent mode decomposition).
- Parameters:
file (str) – path to the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.LoadWigner4CMD("./output.json") # load the output file "output.json" in the current directory
- spectra.LoadWigner4Propagation(file)
Load an output file generated in the former calculation (2D or 4D Wigner function) to perform the wavefront propagation.
- Parameters:
file (str) – path to the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.LoadWigner4Propagation("./output.json") # load the output file "output.json" in the current directory
- spectra.LoadCMD(file)
Load an output file generated in the former calculation (CMD) to perform the modal analysis using the CMD result.
- Parameters:
file (str) – path to the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.LoadCMD("./output.json") # load the output file "output.json" in the current directory
- spectra.LoadBunchFactor(file)
Load an output file generated in the former calculation (coherent radiation with the FEL mode) to reuse the evolution of the bunch factor.
- Parameters:
file (str) – path to the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.LoadBunchFactor("./output.json") # load the output file "output.json" in the current directory
- spectra.ShowMain()
Switch the tabbled panel to “Main”.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- spectra.SelectBL(bl)
Select the beamline parameter set.
- Parameters:
bl – name of the target parameter set
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SelectBL("BM-BL") # select the parameter set "BM-BL"
- spectra.SelectAcc(acc)
Select the accelerator parameter set.
- Parameters:
acc – name of the target parameter set
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SelectBL("BM Section") # select the parameter set "BM Section"
- spectra.SelectSrc(src)
Select the light source parameter set.
- Parameters:
src – name of the target parameter set
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SelectSrc("Bending Magnet") # select the parameter set "Bending Magnet"
- spectra.SelectConfig(conf)
Select the configurations parameter set.
- Parameters:
conf – name of the target parameter set
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SelectSrc("BM BL") # select the parameter set "BM BL"
- spectra.SetMPI(enable, processes)
Set the MPI configurations for parallel computing.
- Parameters:
enable (bool) – enable/disable parallel computing
processes (number) – number of MPI processes
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SetMPI(True, 4) # enable parallel computing with 4 MPI processes
- spectra.SetParallel(scheme, processes)
Set the configurations for parallel computing.
- Parameters:
scheme (str) – parallel computing method (“MPI” or “Multithread” to enable parallel computing, “None” to disable)
processes (number) – number of MPI processes or threads
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SetParallel("MPI", 4) # enable parallel computing with 4 MPI processes
- spectra.SetAccuracy(item, value)
Set the numerical accuracy.
- Parameters:
item (string) – name of the target item
value (any) – value to be set
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SetAccuracy("accdisctra", 2) # make the longitudinal integration step finer
Refer to the keyword list for the name of the target parameter.
- spectra.SelectCalculation(*items)
Select the type of calculation
- Parameters:
items (variable length list) – list of strings to specify the type of calculation
- Returns:
>>> spectra.SelectCalculation("far", "energy", "fdensa") # select "Far Field & Ideal Condition::Energy Dependence::Angular Flux Density"
Refer to the keyword list for the target calulation type.
- spectra.StartCalculation(**kwargs)
Start the calculation process
- Parameters:
kwargs["folder"] (str) – directory to put the output file
kwargs["prefix"] (str) – name of the output file
kwargs["serial"] (str) – serial number of the output file
kwargs["format"] (str) – format of the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.StartCalculation(folder=".", prefix="sample", serial=1) # start the calculation to generate an output file "./sample-1.json"
If more than one calculation process is created before, this funcion simply launches the existing processes and the arguments are not functional.
- spectra.CreateProcess(**kwargs)
Create a calculation process with the current parameters
- Parameters:
kwargs["folder"] (str) – directory to put the output file
kwargs["prefix"] (str) – name of the output file
kwargs["serial"] (str) – serial number of the output file
kwargs["format"] (str) – format of the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.CreateProcess(folder=".", prefix="sample", serial=1) # create a calculation process to generate an output file "./sample-1.json"
- spectra.LoadOutput(file)
Load an output file generated in the former calculation for post-processing.
- Parameters:
file (str) – path to the output file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.LoadOutput("./output.json") # load the output file "output.json" in the current directory
- spectra.ShowPreProcessor()
Switch the tabbled panel to “Pre-Processing”.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- spectra.ShowPostProcessor()
Switch the tabbled panel to “Post-Processing”.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- spectra.Scan(category, label, initial, final, points=11, **kwargs)
Create a parameter-scan process (1D).
- Parameters:
category (string) – specify the category of the target parameter, should be either of “acc” (Accelerator), “src” (Light Source) or “config” (Configurations)
label (string) – name of the target parameter
initial (number) – initial value for scanning
final (number) – final value for scanning
points (number) – number of points for scanning
kwargs["folder"] (str) – directory to put the output file
kwargs["prefix"] (str) – name of the output file
kwargs["serial"] (number) – serial number of the (single) output file, if kwargs[“bundle”] is True
kwargs["format"] (str) – format of the output file
kwargs["bundle"] (bool) – if True, the output data is bundled and saved in a single file
kwargs["iniSN"] (number) – initial suffix number for scan, if kwargs[“bundle”] is False
kwargs["interval"] (number) – step interval if the target parameter is an integer
- Returns:
>>> spectra.Scan("acc", "eGeV", 6, 8, folder=".", prefix="scan", bundle=True) # scan the electron energy from 6 to 8 GeV with an interval of 0.2 GeV (11 points); # the output file is "./scan.json", where the bundled data are saved
- spectra.ScanX(category, label, initial, final, points=11, **kwargs)
Create a parameter-scan process (1D, along x axis).
- Parameters:
category (string) – specify the category of the target parameter, should be either of “acc” (Accelerator), “src” (Light Source) or “config” (Configurations)
label (string) – name of the target parameter
initial (number) – initial value for scanning
final (number) – final value for scanning
points (number) – number of points for scanning
kwargs["folder"] (str) – directory to put the output file
kwargs["prefix"] (str) – name of the output file
kwargs["serial"] (number) – serial number of the (single) output file, if kwargs[“bundle”] is True
kwargs["format"] (str) – format of the output file
kwargs["bundle"] (bool) – if True, the output data is bundled and saved in a single file
kwargs["iniSN"] (number) – initial suffix number for scan, if kwargs[“bundle”] is False
kwargs["interval"] (number) – step interval if the target parameter is an integer
- Returns:
>>> spectra.ScanX("config", "xyfix", 0, 1, folder=".", prefix="scanx", bundle=True) # scan the horizontal observation position from 0 to 1 mm with an interval of 0.1 mm (11 points); # the output file is "./scanx.json", where the bundled data are saved
- spectra.ScanY(category, label, initial, final, points=11, **kwargs)
Create a parameter-scan process (1D, along y axis).
- Parameters:
category (string) – specify the category of the target parameter, should be either of “acc” (Accelerator), “src” (Light Source) or “config” (Configurations)
label (string) – name of the target parameter
initial (number) – initial value for scanning
final (number) – final value for scanning
points (number) – number of points for scanning
kwargs["folder"] (str) – directory to put the output file
kwargs["prefix"] (str) – name of the output file
kwargs["serial"] (number) – serial number of the (single) output file, if kwargs[“bundle”] is True
kwargs["format"] (str) – format of the output file
kwargs["bundle"] (bool) – if True, the output data is bundled and saved in a single file
kwargs["iniSN"] (number) – initial suffix number for scan, if kwargs[“bundle”] is False
kwargs["interval"] (number) – step interval if the target parameter is an integer
- Returns:
>>> spectra.ScanY("config", "xyfix", 0, 1, folder=".", prefix="scany", bundle=True) # scan the vertical observation position from 0 to 1 mm with an interval of 0.1 mm (11 points); # the output file is "./scany.json", where the bundled data are saved
- spectra.ScanXY(category, label, initial, final, points=[11, 11], **kwargs)
Create a parameter-scan process (2D over x-y plane).
- Parameters:
category (string) – specify the category of the target parameter, should be either of “acc” (Accelerator), “src” (Light Source) or “config” (Configurations)
label (string) – name of the target parameter
initial (list) – initial value for scanning
final (list) – final value for scanning
points (list) – number of points for scanning in x and y directions
kwargs["folder"] (str) – directory to put the output file
kwargs["prefix"] (str) – name of the output file
kwargs["serial"] (number) – serial number of the (single) output file, if kwargs[“bundle”] is True
kwargs["format"] (str) – format of the output file
kwargs["bundle"] (bool) – if True, the output data is bundled and saved in a single file
kwargs["iniSN"] (number) – initial suffix number for scan, if kwargs[“bundle”] is False
kwargs["interval"] (list) – step interval if the target parameter is an integer
kwargs["link"] (bool) – if enabled, X and Y prameters are scanned at the same time
- Returns:
>>> spectra.ScanXY("config", "xyfix", [0, 0], [1, 1], folder=".", prefix="scanxy", bundle=True) # scan the observation position in the 2D rectangular grid points defined by # (0,0) and (1,1) with an interval of 0.1 mm in both directions (11x11 points); # the output file is "./scanxy.json", where the bundled data are saved
- spectra.FitWindow()
Adjust the size of the browser to show the whole parameters in the Main window. Not effective when Pre-Processing or Post-Processing windows are shown.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- spectra.ExpandWindow(**kwargs)
Expand or shrink the size of the browser.
- Parameters:
kwargs["width"] (kwargs["w"] or) – scaling factor in the horizontal direction
kwargs["height"] (kwargs["h"] or) – scaling factor in the vertical direction
- Returns:
>>> spectra.ExpandWindow("w"=1.2, "h"=0.8) # expand/shrink the window size by 1.2 (horizontal) and 0.8 (vertical)
- spectra.MoveWindowX(pos)
Move the browser horizontally.
- Parameters:
pos (str or number) – “l” (left), “c” (center), “r” (right), or a pixel number to specify the horizontal position
- Returns:
>>> spectra.MoveWindowX("l") # move to the left >>> spectra.MoveWindowX(100) # move to x = 100px
- spectra.MoveWindowY(pos)
Move the browser vertically.
- Parameters:
pos (str or number) – “t” (top), “c” (center), “b” (bottom), or a pixel number to specify the vertical position
- Returns:
>>> spectra.MoveWindowY("t") # move to the top >>> spectra.MoveWindowY(100) # move to y = 100px
- spectra.MoveWindowXY(x, y)
Move the browser in both directions.
- Parameters:
x (str or number) – “l” (left), “c” (center), “r” (right), or a pixel number to specify the horizontal position
y (str or number) – “t” (top), “c” (center), “b” (bottom), or a pixel number to specify the vertical position
- Returns:
>>> spectra.MoveWindowXY("l", "t") # move to the left & top >>> spectra.MoveWindowXY(100, 100) # move to (x, y) = (100px, 100px)
- class spectra.CLI
CLI class is available only in the CLI mode and is basically a collection of functions to manage the output data that cannot be imported for visualization (because of no GUI).
- static GetDataNames()
Get the names of the output data stored in the buffer.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
list of the data names
>>> spectra.CLI.GetDataNames() ["sample-1", "sample-2"]
- static GetLatestDataName()
Get the name of the latest output data stored in the buffer.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
string of the data name
>>> spectra.CLI.GetLatestDataName() "sample-2"
- static GetDimension(dataname)
Get the dimension of the output data, which means the number of independent variables of the target output data.
- Parameters:
dataname – name of the output data
- Returns:
>>> spectra.CLI.GetDimension("sample-1") 1
- static GetTitle(dataname)
Get the titles of items in the output data.
- Parameters:
dataname – name of the output data
- Returns:
list of the titles
>>> spectra.CLI.GetTitle("sample-1") ["Energy","Flux Density","GA. Brilliance","PL(s1/s0)","PC(s3/s0)","PL45(s2/s0)"]
- static GetUnit(dataname)
Get the units of items in the output data.
- Parameters:
dataname – name of the output data
- Returns:
list of the titles
>>> spectra.CLI.GetUnit("sample-1") ["eV","ph/s/mr^2/0.1%B.W.","ph/s/mm^2/mr^2/0.1%B.W.","","",""]
- static GetDetail(dataname)
Available when the output data is composed of more than two independent data sets; for example, spatial dependence calculations along the x and y axes generate 2 independent data sets. In such a case, this function helps to retrieve keywords (=details) to specify each data set.
- Parameters:
dataname – name of the output data
- Returns:
list of the details (of respective data sets)
>>> spectra.CLI.GetDetail("sample-2") ["Along x","Along y"]
- static GetData(dataname, index, detail=None)
Retrieve the desired item from the output data.
- Parameters:
dataname – name of the output data
index – index (starting from 0) of the target item
detail – keyword to specify the dataset when more than two independent data sets are contained in the output data
- Returns:
list of the data
>>> spectra.CLI.GetData("sample-1", 1) # Get "GA. Brilliance" [4.02638e+14,3.98914e+14,...] >>> spectra.GetData("sample-2", 0, "Along x") # Get "Flux Density" [4.02638e+14,3.98914e+14,...]
- static GetAxis(dataname, detail=None)
Retrieve the independent variables from the output data.
- Parameters:
dataname – name of the output data
detail – keyword to specify the dataset when more than two independent data sets are contained in the output data
- Returns:
list of the independent variables
>>> spectra.CLI.GetAxis("sample-1") [5000,5005,5010,...] "Energy" >>> spectra.GetAxis("sample-2", "Along x") [-0.2,-0.18,-0.16,-0.14,...] "Position" ("Along x")
- static ClearBuffer()
Clear the buffer data to reduce the memory consumption. Recommended to call this function if the exsiting output data (stored in the memory buffer) are no more necessary.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- class spectra.PreProcess
PreProcess class bundles various functions for the operation of pre-processor.
- static Import(item, filename)
Import the data for the target item from a file.
- Parameters:
item (str) – name of the target item
filename (str) – name of the data file
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.Import("Field Profile", "./uerror_model.dat") # import the data file "uerror_model.dat" in the current directory as the field distribution
- static LoadParticle(filename=None)
Load the particle data
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the data file, load “Particle Data” path if not specified
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.LoadParticle("./particles.dat") # load the particle data from "particles.dat" in the current directory
- static ParticleDataFormat(**kwargs)
Set the particle data format
- Parameters:
kwargs["unitxy"] (str) – unit for x and y (m, mm)
kwargs["unitxyp"] (str) – unit for x’ and y’ (rad, mrad)
kwargs["unitt"] (str) – unit for time (s, ps, fs, m, mm)
kwargs["unitE"] (str) – unit for energy (GeV, MeV, gamma)
kwargs["index"] (list) – column indices for x, x’, y, y’, t, E
kwargs["pcharge"] (number) – charge/particle (C)
kwargs["bins"] (number) – number of bins/RMS bunch length to evaluate slice parameters
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.ParticleDataFormat(index=[2,3,4,5,1,6], unitE="gamma") # the particle data is arranged as t, x, x', y, y', E # the energy is given in gamma (Lorentz factor)
- static PlotSliceParameter(item)
Plot the slice parameter along the electron bunch
- Parameters:
item (str) – name of the target parameter
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.PlotSliceParameter("Current Profile") # plot the current profile of the electron bunch
- static PlotParticles(**kwargs)
Plot the particle distribution in a given 2D phase space
- Parameters:
kwargs["x"] (str)
kwargs["y"] (str)
kwargs["max"] (number) – maximum particles to plot
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.PlotParticles(x="s (m)",y="Energy (GeV)",max=10000) # plot E-t phase space distribution with maximum number of 10000
- static Plot(item)
Calculate and plot the target item.
- Parameters:
item (str) – name of the target item
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.Plot("2nd Integral") # calculate and plot the 2nd field integral (electron orbit)
- static Export(dataname)
Export the pre-processed (and currently plotted) result as an ASCII file.
- Parameters:
dataname (str) – file name to export the data
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.Export("./export.txt") # export the data to an ASCI file "export.txt"
- static PlotScale(**kwargs)
Change the axis scale of the 1D plot.
- Parameters:
kwargs["xscale"] (kwargs["x"] or) – select the scale of abscissa, “linear” or “log”
kwargs["yscale"] (kwargs["y"] or) – select the scale of ordinate, “linear” or “log”
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.PlotScale(x="log",y="log") # Switch to the log-log plot
- static PlotRange(**kwargs)
Specify the plotting range of the 1D or contour plot.
- Parameters:
kwargs["xrange"] (kwargs["x"] or) – specify the x range
kwargs["yrange"] (kwargs["y"] or) – specify the y range
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.PlotRange(x=[1,10],y=[-1,1]) # Specify the x range as [1, 10] and y range as [-1, 1]
- static LinePlot(width, size)
Switch to the line plot.
- Parameters:
width – width of lines (should be > 0)
size – size of symbols (if 0, simple line plot)
- Returns:
- static SymbolPlot(size)
Switch to the symbol plot.
- Parameters:
size – size of symbols (should be > 0)
- Returns:
- static ContourPlot()
Switch to the contour plot.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- static SurfacePlot(**kwargs)
Switch to the surface plot.
- Parameters:
kwargs["type"] – select the type of the surface plot; “shade” for a shaded surface plot, “color” for a surface plot with a color map
kwargs["wireframe"] – if True, wireframe is drawn on the surface
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.SurfacePlot(type=shade, wireframe=True) # Switch to the surface plot with "shading" and "wireframe"
- static SetUnit(item, unit)
Select the unit of the data to be imported.
- Parameters:
item (str) – name of the target item
unit (str) – “unit” of the target item
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.SetUnit("zpos", "mm") # The longitudinal position is given in mm in the data file to be imported.
- static DuplicatePlot(*titles)
Open a new window to duplicate the current plot with the same configuration.
- Parameters:
titles (variable length list) – titles of the plot
- Returns:
- class spectra.PostProcess
PostProcess class bundles various functions for the operation of post-processor.
- static Import(filename)
Import the output data for post-processing (visualization).
- Parameters:
filename (str) – name of the output data file
- Returns:
- static SelectData(dataname)
Select the data name for post-processing from those already imported.
- Parameters:
dataname (str) – name of the output data to be selected
- Returns:
- static Clear()
Clear all the output data that have been imported.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- static Remove(dataname)
Remove the output data from the list.
- Parameters:
dataname (str) – name of the output data to be removed
- Returns:
- static Export(dataname)
Export the current plot as an ASCII file.
- Parameters:
dataname (str) – file name to export the data
- Returns:
- static Save(dataname)
Save the current plot as an JSON file, which can be imported later to reproduce the plot.
- Parameters:
dataname (str) – file name to save the data
- Returns:
- static ComparativePlot(*datanames)
Create a comparative plot of an item currently selected; more than one data set is retrieved from the specified output data and plotted in the same graph
- Parameters:
datanames (variable length list) – names of the output data to be plotted
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PostProcess.Plot("Flux Density") # specify "Flux Density" as the target item before creating a comparative plot >>> spectra.PostProcess.ComparativePlot("sample-2", "sample-3") # plot the spectra of flux density retrieved from two other output data "sample-2" and "sample-3"
- static MultiPlot(*datanames)
Create a multiple plot; more than one data set is retrieved from the specified output data and plotted in the same window
- Parameters:
datanames (variable length list) – names of the output data to be plotted
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PostProcess.Plot("Flux Density") >>> spectra.PostProcess.MultiPlot("Partial Flux") # plot the simplex of flux density retrieved from two output data "sample-1" and "sample-2"
- static SetSlide(*slideno)
Set the slide number in the animation plot
- Parameters:
slideno (variable length list) – slide number(s) to show
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PostProcess.SetSlide(0) # show the 0th slide
- static ComparativePlotCols(columns)
Define the number of columns for comparative plot with more than one plot area. This is effective for 2D plots or 1D plots with more than one target items.
- Parameters:
columns (integer) – column number of comparative plot areas
- Returns:
- static MultiPlotCols(columns)
Define the number of columns for multiplot.
- Parameters:
columns (integer) – column number of multiplot windows
- Returns:
- static PlotScale(**kwargs)
Change the axis scale of the 1D plot.
- Parameters:
kwargs["xscale"] (kwargs["x"] or) – select the scale of abscissa, “linear” or “log”
kwargs["yscale"] (kwargs["y"] or) – select the scale of ordinate, “linear” or “log”
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.PlotScale(x="log",y="log") # Switch to the log-log plot
- NormalizePlot()
Specify if the plot is normalized for each slide.
- Parameters:
normalize (bool) – boolean to specify the method of normalization
- Returns:
- static PlotRange(**kwargs)
Specify the plotting range of the 1D or contour plot.
- Parameters:
kwargs["xrange"] (kwargs["x"] or) – specify the x range
kwargs["yrange"] (kwargs["y"] or) – specify the y range
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.PlotRange(x=[1,10],y=[-1,1]) # Specify the x range as [1, 10] and y range as [-1, 1]
- static LinePlot(width, size)
Switch to the line plot.
- Parameters:
width – width of lines (should be > 0)
size – size of symbols (if 0, simple line plot)
- Returns:
- static SymbolPlot(size)
Switch to the symbol plot.
- Parameters:
size – size of symbols (should be > 0)
- Returns:
- static ContourPlot()
Switch to the contour plot.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- static SurfacePlot(**kwargs)
Switch to the surface plot.
- Parameters:
kwargs["type"] – select the type of the surface plot; “shade” for a shaded surface plot, “color” for a surface plot with a color map
kwargs["wireframe"] – if True, wireframe is drawn on the surface
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PreProcess.SurfacePlot(type=shade, wireframe=True) # Switch to the surface plot with "shading" and "wireframe"
- static DuplicatePlot(*titles)
Open a new window to duplicate the current plot with the same configuration.
- Parameters:
titles (variable length list) – titles of the plot
- Returns:
- static StartAnimation()
Start an animation with the current plot (if available).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- static Plot(*items)
Plot the target item.
- Parameters:
items (variable length list) – name of the target items
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PostProcess.Plot("Flux Density", "GA. Brilliance") # plot the spectra of flux density and brilliance in the same graph
- static SetCategory(type)
Set the category of the data to plot
- Parameters:
type (str) – category name
- Returns:
>>> spectra.PostProcess.SetCategory("Modal Flux") # select "Modal Flux" category, to be evaluated by CMD >>> spectra.PostProcess.Plot("Integrated Modal Flux") # plot the integrated modal flux as a function of the mode order