Keywords for Arguments
In several functions of spectra-ui, a number of arguments should be given to specify the calculation conditions and parameters. The details of each function are given below.
Select the Calculation Type
Before starting any calculation in spectra-ui, the calculation type should be selected by calling "SelectCalculation()" function, using a number of keywords summarized below as its arguments.
Category |
Menu Items |
Arguments |
Numerical Scheme |
Far Field & Ideal Condition |
far |
Near Field |
near |
Coherent Radiation |
cohrad |
Characterization at the Source Point |
srcpoint |
Coherent Mode Decomposition |
Wavefront Propagation |
propagate |
Fixed Point Calculation |
fixed |
Method |
Energy Dependence |
energy |
Spatial Dependence |
spatial |
K Dependence |
Kvalue |
Time Dependence |
temporal |
Wigner Function |
wigner |
Main Target Item |
Angular Flux Density |
fdensa |
Partial Flux |
pflux |
Total Flux |
tflux |
Angular Power Density |
pdensa |
Partial Power |
ppower |
Resolved Power Density |
pdensr |
Spatial Flux Density |
fdenss |
Spatial Power Density |
pdenss |
Surface Power Density |
spdens |
Volume Power Density |
vpdens |
CMD with the Wigner Function |
CMD2d |
Modal Profile |
Check Validity |
CMDcheck |
Electric Field |
efield |
Complex Amplitude |
camp |
Phase-Space Distribution |
phasespace |
Spatial Profile |
sprof |
Condition |
Rectangular Slit |
slitrect |
Circular Slit |
slitcirc |
Along Axis |
along |
Mesh: x-y |
meshxy |
Mesh: r-φ |
meshrphi |
Simplified Calculation |
simpcalc |
Flux at a Fixed Energy |
fluxfix |
Peak Flux Curve |
fluxpeak |
Power |
powercv |
Planar Surface: x-z |
xzplane |
Planar Surface: y-z |
yzplane |
Cylindrical Surface |
pipe |
X-X' (Sliced) |
XXpslice |
X-X' (Projected) |
XXpprj |
Y-Y' (Sliced) |
YYpslice |
Y-Y' (Projected) |
YYpprj |
X-X'-Y-Y' |
XXpYYp |
Sub-Condition |
Target Harmonics |
tgtharm |
All Harmonics |
allharm |
Sliced |
Wslice |
Projected on X-X' |
WprjX |
Projected on Y-Y' |
WprjY |
Related Characteristics |
Wrel |
Main Input Parameters
After selecting the calculation type, parameters to specify the accelerator, light source, and numerical conditions may need to be modified, which can be done by calling "Set()" function with adequate arguments. For example,
spectra.Set("acc", "eGeV", 3)
means that the electron energy is set to 3 GeV. Refer to the followings for details.
Parameter category (1st argument)
The 1st argument should specify the category of the parameter to be set. It should be given by one of the keywords as summarized below.
Arguments |
Remarks |
acc |
Parameters to specify the accelerator as shown in Accelerator subpanel. |
src |
Parameters to specify the light source as shown in Light Source subpanel. |
config |
Configurations to specify the numerical conditions as shown in Configurations subpanel. |
outfile |
Configurations to specify the output file as shown in Output File subpanel. |
Accelerator parameters
Keywords to specify the accelerator parameters are summarized below. They should be used as the 2nd agument. Refer to Accelerator for more details about each parameter.
Notation in GUI |
Argument |
Detail |
Format |
Type |
type |
Type of the accelerator. In SPECTRA, the accelerators are categorized into two types: Storage Ring and Linear Accelerator. |
string - one of below: |
Energy (GeV) |
eGeV |
Total energy of the electron beam. |
float |
Current (mA) |
imA |
Average beam current of the accelerator. The former is determined by the user, while the latter is evaluated from Pulses/sec and Bunch Charge. |
float |
Bunches |
bunches |
Number of electron bunches stored in the storage ring. |
int |
Pulses/sec |
pulsepps |
Number of electron bunches/second in the linear accelerator. |
int |
σz (mm) |
bunchlength |
Bunch length and charge of the electron beam. |
float |
Bunch Charge (nC) |
bunchcharge |
↑ |
float |
Nat. Emittance (m.rad) |
emitt |
Natural emittance of the electron beam. |
float |
Coupling Constant |
coupl |
Coupling constant and energy spread of the electron beam. |
float |
Energy Spread |
espread |
↑ |
float |
βx,y (m) |
beta |
Twiss parameters at the center of the light source |
list |
αx,y |
alpha |
↑ |
list |
ηx,y (m) |
eta |
Dispersion functions and their derivatives. |
list |
η'x,y |
etap |
↑ |
list |
Bunch Profile |
bunchtype |
Specify the distribution functions of the electron beam in the spatial and temporal domains. |
string - one of below: |
Current Profile |
currdata |
Dictionary data to represent the current profile of the electron bunch. |
dictionary |
E-t Profile |
Etdata |
Dictionary data to represent the electron distribution in the E-t phase space. |
dictionary |
Injection Condition |
injectionebm |
Specify the injection condition, or the position and angle of the electron beam at the entrance of the light source. |
string - one of below: |
x,y (mm) |
xy |
Horizontal/vertical positions/angles at the entrance. Available when Injection Condition is Custom |
list |
x',y' (mrad) |
xyp |
↑ |
list |
Zero Emittance |
zeroemitt |
Calculation is done without the effects due to the finite emittance and/or energy spread of the electron beam. |
bool |
Zero Energy Spread |
zerosprd |
↑ |
bool |
Single Electron |
singlee |
SR emitted by a single electron is supposed. |
bool |
Additional R56 (m) |
R56add |
Strength of the virtual dispersive section located in front of the light source. Effective for computation of coherent radiation, if E-t Profile is chosen for the electron bunch profile. |
float |
Light source parameters
Keywords to specify the light source parameters are summarized below. They should be used as the 2nd agument. Refer to Light Source for more details about each parameter.
Notation in GUI |
Argument |
Detail |
Format |
Type |
type |
Type of the light source |
string - one of below: |
Field Profile |
fvsz |
Dictionary data to represent the whole magnetic field distribution of the light source. |
dictionary |
Field Profile (1 Period) |
fvsz1per |
Dictionary data to represent the magnetic field distribution of the light source over a single period. |
dictionary |
Gap (mm) |
gap |
Gap of the ID. |
float |
Bx,y (T) |
bxy |
Field amplitude (IDs) or uniform field (BMs). |
list |
B (T) |
b |
↑ |
float |
Main Field (T) |
bmain |
Peak fields of the main and sub poles of Wavelength Shifters. |
float |
Sub Field (T) |
subpoleb |
↑ |
float |
λu (mm) |
lu |
Magnetic Period Length of the ID |
float |
Device Length (m) |
devlength |
Total length of the ID |
float |
# of Reg. Periods |
periods |
Number of regular periods. |
float |
K0x,0y |
Kxy0 |
Available for APPLE undulators. Maximum K values (deflection parameters) when the phase is adjusted to generate horizontal and vertical polarizations. |
list |
Phase Shift (mm) |
phase |
Longitudinal shift of each magnetic array for the APPLE undulators, defined as the displacement from the position for the horizontally-polarized mode. To be specific, K values are given as $K_x=K_{x0}sin(2\pi\Delta z/\lambda_u)$ and $K_y=K_{y0}cos(2\pi\Delta z/\lambda_u)$, where $\Delta z$ is the phase shift. In other words, it is defined as half the relative distance between two diagonal pairs of magnetic arrays. |
float |
Kx,y |
Kxy |
K values of the ID. |
list |
K value |
K |
↑ |
float |
ε1st (eV) |
e1st |
Fundamental photon energy and wavelength of undulator radiation. |
float |
λ1st (nm) |
lambda1 |
↑ |
float |
Harmonic Component |
multiharm |
Arrange the harmonic components for Multi-Harmonic Undulators. |
dictionary |
ρ (m) |
radius |
Radius of the BM. |
float |
BM Length (m) |
bendlength |
Specify the geometric configuration of BMs. Origin for CSR defines the longitudinal coordinate where the electron bunch length or the temporal profile is defined to calculate coherent radiation. |
float |
BM Fringe Length (m) |
fringelen |
↑ |
float |
Main Length (m) |
mplength |
Lengths of the main and sub poles of the Wavelength Shifter. |
float |
Sub Length (m) |
subpolel |
↑ |
float |
BM Interval (m) |
bminterv |
Distance between two BMs. |
float |
Origin for CSR (m) |
csrorg |
Specify the geometric configuration of BMs. Origin for CSR defines the longitudinal coordinate where the electron bunch length or the temporal profile is defined to calculate coherent radiation. |
float |
Gap-Field Relation |
gaplink |
Specify the relation between the gap and peak field of the ID. |
string - one of below: |
Br (T) |
br |
Remanent field of the permanent magnet. |
float |
Geometrical Factor (x,y) |
geofactor |
Geometrical factor to reduce the peak magnetic field (x,y). |
list |
Gap vs. Field |
gaptbl |
dictionary |
APPLE Configuration |
apple |
Enable/disable the APPLE configuration for Elliptic Undulators. |
bool |
Field Structure |
field_str |
Specify the field-distribution symmetry of the ID. |
string - one of below: |
End Correction Magnet |
endmag |
Put additional magnets at the both ends, for orbit compensation. |
bool |
Natural Focusing |
natfocus |
Apply the natural focusing of IDs. |
string - one of below: |
Field Offset & Taper |
fielderr |
Specify if the magnetic field contains an error component. |
bool |
Offset x,y (T) |
boffset |
Magnetic field offset, such as that coming from the ambient field. |
list |
Lin. Taper x,y (/m) |
ltaper |
Linear (a1) and quadratic (a2) taper coefficients. The magnetic field amplitude is given as \[B(z)=B_0(1+a_1z+a_2z^2),\] where $B_0$ is the field amplitude corresponding to the K value. |
list |
Quad. Taper x,y (/m2) |
qtaper |
↑ |
list |
Add Phase Error |
phaseerr |
If ticked, the RMS phase error and relevant parameters can be specified. |
bool |
Random Number Seed |
seed |
Seed for the random number generator to model the field error. |
int |
σB (%) |
fsigma |
RMS of the peak field variation. |
float |
σφ (deg.) |
psigma |
RMS of the phase error. |
float |
σx,y (mm); |
xysigma |
RMS of the trajectory error. |
list |
Tandem Arrangement |
bmtandem |
Calculate radiation from two BMs located at the both ends of the straight section. |
bool |
Segmentation |
segment_type |
Arrange the segmented undulator configuration. |
string - one of below: |
Number of Segments |
segments |
Number of undulator segments (M) if Identical is selected for Segmentation, or number of segment pair (M') for other options. |
int |
Half Number of Segments |
hsegments |
↑ |
int |
Segment Interval (m) |
interval |
Distance between the center positions of adjacent undulator segments. |
float |
Δφ (π) |
phi0 |
Additional phase in the unit of π. |
float |
Δφ1,2 (π) |
phi12 |
Additional phase in the unit of π: subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the odd and even drift sections |
list |
Matching Distance (m) |
mdist |
Distance between virtual focusing magnets in the matching section to arrange the periodic lattice function. |
float |
Periodic β Function |
perlattice |
The betatron function is periodic with the period of segment interval. |
bool |
Keywords to specify the numerical configurations are summarized below. They should be used as the 2nd agument. Refer to Configurations for more details about each parameter.
Notation in GUI |
Argument |
Detail |
Format |
Type |
type |
str |
Distance from the Source (m) |
slit_dist |
Distance from the center of the light source to the observation point. |
float |
Auto Config. for Energy Range |
autoe |
Enable automatic configuration to define the energy range and pitch. |
bool |
Harmonic Range |
hrange |
Harmonic range or target harmonic number for K-value dependence calculations. |
list |
Target Harmonic |
hfix |
↑ |
int |
Maximum Harmonic |
hmax |
Maximum harmonic number to be considered. |
int |
Detuning |
detune |
Photon energy defined as a detuned value, i.e., $\varepsilon/(n\varepsilon_1)-1$, where $n$ is the target harmonic number. |
float |
Energy Range (eV) |
erange |
Energy range and pitch for Energy Dependence calculations. |
list |
Energy Pitch (eV) |
de |
↑ |
float |
Energy Pitch for Integration (eV) |
epitch |
Energy pitch for integration in Volume Power Density calculations. Needs to be defined by the user for User Defined light sources. |
float |
Points (Energy) |
emesh |
Number of energy points for Energy Dependence calculations. |
int |
Normalized Energy |
nefix |
Same as the above, but normalized by ε1st. |
float |
Target Energy (eV) |
efix |
Photon energy to be fixed. |
float |
Position x,y (mm) |
xyfix |
Transverse position/angle at the observation point. |
list |
Angle θx,y (mrad) |
qxyfix |
↑ |
list |
Surface Pos. x (mm) |
spdxfix |
Position of the object and range of observation for Spatial Power Density calculations. |
float |
Surface Pos. y (mm) |
spdyfix |
↑ |
float |
Surface Radius (mm) |
spdrfix |
↑ |
float |
Θ (deg.) |
Qnorm |
Normal vectors to specify the inner surface of the object irradiated by SR. |
float |
Φ (deg.) |
Phinorm |
↑ |
float |
Glancing Angle (deg.) |
Qgl |
Angular acceptance to confine the photon beam and resultant illuminated area of the object, and angles to define the condition of glancing incidence for Volume Power Density calculations.Azimuth of Incidence define the direction along which the object is inclined: if it is vertically tilted as in the case of a crystal monochromator, this parameter should be 90 degree, as shown in the above figure. |
float |
Azimuth of Incidence (deg.) |
Phiinc |
↑ |
float |
Slit Pos.: x,y (mm) |
slitpos |
Specify the configuration of the slit positions and aperture. |
list |
Slit Pos.: θx,y (mrad) |
qslitpos |
↑ |
list |
Δ/Σs: x,y |
nslitapt |
↑ |
list |
Δx,Δy (mm) |
slitapt |
↑ |
list |
Δθx,y (mrad) |
qslitapt |
Angular acceptance to confine the photon beam and resultant illuminated area of the object, and angles to define the condition of glancing incidence for Volume Power Density calculations.Azimuth of Incidence define the direction along which the object is inclined: if it is vertically tilted as in the case of a crystal monochromator, this parameter should be 90 degree, as shown in the above figure. |
list |
Slit r1,2 (mm) |
slitr |
Specify the configuration of the slit positions and aperture. |
list |
Slit θ1,2 (mrad) |
slitq |
↑ |
list |
Power Upper Limit (kW) |
pplimit |
Upper limit of the partial power to define the width and height of the rectangular slit for K Dependence calculations. |
float |
z range (m) |
zrange |
Position of the object and range of observation for Spatial Power Density calculations. |
list |
Points (z) |
zmesh |
Number of observation points in the relevant range |
int |
Auto Config. for Transverse Range |
autot |
Enable automatic configuration to define the spatial/angular range and grid intervals. |
bool |
Transverse Grid |
gridspec |
Specify the transverse grid at each longitudinal step. |
string - one of below: |
Finer Spatial Grid |
grlevel |
Specify a finer grid interval if Automaticis selected for Transverse Grid. Default is 0 and a larger number means a finer interval. |
int |
x Range (mm) |
xrange |
Position of the object and range of observation for Spatial Power Density calculations. |
list |
θx Range (mrad) |
qxrange |
Range of the Observation positions/angles for Spatial Dependence calculations: (a) [Along Axis] and [Mesh: x-y] and (b) [Mesh: r-φ]. |
list |
x Range/Σ |
wnxrange |
list |
Points (x) |
xmesh |
Number of observation points in the relevant range |
int |
δx Range (mm) |
wdxrange |
list |
δx Range/Σ |
wndxrange |
list |
Points (δx) |
wdxmesh |
float |
y Range (mm) |
yrange |
Position of the object and range of observation for Spatial Power Density calculations. |
list |
θy Range (mrad) |
qyrange |
Range of the Observation positions/angles for Spatial Dependence calculations: (a) [Along Axis] and [Mesh: x-y] and (b) [Mesh: r-φ]. |
list |
y Range/Σ |
wnyrange |
list |
Points (y) |
ymesh |
Number of observation points in the relevant range |
int |
δy Range (mm) |
wdyrange |
list |
δy Range/Σ |
wndyrange |
list |
Points (δy) |
wdymesh |
float |
r Range (mm) |
rrange |
Range of the Observation positions/angles for Spatial Dependence calculations: (a) [Along Axis] and [Mesh: x-y] and (b) [Mesh: r-φ]. |
list |
θ Range (mrad) |
qrange |
↑ |
list |
Points (r) |
rphimesh |
Number of observation point in the relevant range. |
int |
Points (θ) |
qphimesh |
↑ |
int |
φ Range (deg.) |
phirange |
Range of the Observation positions/angles for Spatial Dependence calculations: (a) [Along Axis] and [Mesh: x-y] and (b) [Mesh: r-φ]. |
list |
Points (φ) |
phimesh |
Number of observation point in the relevant range. |
int |
Depth Range (mm) |
drange |
Depth range and number of points for Volume Power Density calculations. |
list |
Points (Depth) |
dmesh |
↑ |
int |
Optical Element |
optics |
Specify an optical element inserted in the beamline. |
string - one of below: |
Position (m) |
optpos |
Longitudinal position to insert an optical element. |
float |
Aperture x (mm) |
aptx |
Horizontal aperture size. |
float |
Slit Distance x (mm) |
aptdistx |
Distance between the double slit in the horizontal direction. |
float |
Aperture y (mm) |
apty |
Vertical aperture size. |
float |
Slit Distance y (mm) |
aptdisty |
Distance between the double slit in the vertical direction. |
float |
Soft Edge Fringe Size (mm) |
softedge |
Range of the Soft Edgeof the slit. At the edge of the slit, the photon intensity is supposed to gradually drop, as opposed to a hard-edged condition. Longer soft-edge ranges reduce the diffraction effects. In addition, the memory requirement is relaxed as well. |
float |
Limit of Diffraction Effect |
diflim |
Specify the threshold to cut off the diffraction effects and determine the angular range to compute the Wigner function after passing through a slit. |
float |
Larger Angular Range |
anglelevel |
Specify the angular range to evaluate the Wigner function after an optical element. If set to 0, the angular range is determined to be consistent with the relevant parameters; a larger number means a large angular range. |
int |
Focal Length x (m) |
foclenx |
Focal length of an ideal lens in the horizontal direction. |
float |
Focal Length y (m) |
focleny |
Focal length of an ideal lens in the vertical direction. |
float |
Angular Profile |
aprofile |
Export the angular profile after an optical element. |
bool |
Wigner Function |
wigner |
Export the Wigner function after an optical element. |
bool |
Cross Spectral Density |
csd |
Export the cross spectral density. |
bool |
Degree of Coherence |
degcoh |
Export the degree of spatial coherence. |
bool |
K Range |
krange |
Range of the K values and number of points. |
list |
K⊥ Range |
ckrange |
↑ |
list |
Points (K) |
kmesh |
↑ |
int |
Temporal Range (fs) |
trange |
Temporal range and number of points for Time Dependence calculations. |
list |
Points (Temporal) |
tmesh |
↑ |
int |
γΔθx,y |
gtacc |
Angular acceptance normalized by γ-1 to calculate the Wigner function. |
list |
X' Acceptance (mrad) |
horizacc |
↑ |
float |
Slice X (mm) |
Xfix |
Transverse positions and angles at the source point where the Wigner function is calculated. |
float |
Slice Y (mm) |
Yfix |
↑ |
float |
Slice X' (mrad) |
Xpfix |
↑ |
float |
Slice Y' (mrad) |
Ypfix |
↑ |
float |
X Range (mm) |
Xrange |
Calculation range/number of points of the transverse positions/angles at the source point. |
list |
Points (X) |
Xmesh |
↑ |
int |
X' Range (mrad) |
Xprange |
↑ |
list |
Points (X') |
Xpmesh |
↑ |
int |
Y Range (mm) |
Yrange |
↑ |
list |
Points (Y) |
Ymesh |
↑ |
int |
Y' Range (mrad) |
Yprange |
↑ |
list |
Points (Y') |
Ypmesh |
↑ |
int |
Filtering |
filter |
Specify the type of filtering. |
string - one of below: |
Filters |
fmateri |
Dictionaly data to represent the filter materials. |
dictionary |
Custom Filter |
fcustom |
Dictionaly data to represent the filter transmission rate. |
dictionary |
Central Energy (eV) |
bpfcenter |
Central photon energy of the bandpath filter (BPF). |
float |
Width (eV) |
bpfwidth |
Full width of the boxcar-type BPF. |
float |
Width (σ, eV) |
bpfsigma |
1σ of the Gaussian BPF. |
float |
Max. Trans. Rate |
bpfmaxeff |
Maximum transmission rate of the BPF. |
float |
Absorbers |
amateri |
dictionary |
Depth Step |
dstep |
Specify how to change the energy/depth position in the calculation range. |
string - one of below: |
Depth-Position Data |
depthdata |
Dictionaly data to represent the depth positions. |
dictionary |
Define Obs. Point in |
defobs |
Specify how to represent the transverse observation points. |
string - one of below: |
Normalize Photon Energy |
normenergy |
Specify the photon energy as a normalized value. |
bool |
Energy Step |
estep |
Specify how to change the energy/depth position in the calculation range. |
string - one of below: |
Slit Aperture Size |
aperture |
Specify how to represent the width and height of the rectangular slit. |
string - one of below: |
Set Upper Limit on Power |
powlimit |
Put an upper limit on the allowable partial power. |
bool |
Optimize ΔX' for Computation |
optDx |
Horizontal angular acceptance is virtually closed to reduce the computation time, without changing the calculation results. |
bool |
Level of Smoothing Along X |
xsmooth |
Apply smoothing for the Wigner function of BMs and wigglers; larger values results in more smooth profiles. |
float |
Observation in the Fourier Plane |
fouriep |
Calculation is done at the Fourier Plane as schematically illustrated below, to evaluate the angular profile at the source point (center of the light source) |
bool |
Wiggler Approximation |
wiggapprox |
Apply the wiggler approximation, in which radiation incoherently summed up (as photons). |
bool |
Spectral Smoothing |
esmooth |
Apply the spectral smoothing; this is useful to reduce the computation time by smoothing the spectral fine structure potentially found in undulator radiation. |
bool |
Smoothing Window (%) |
smoothwin |
Smoothing window in %; this means that the photon flux at 1000 eV is given as the average from 995 to 1005 eV. |
float |
Accuracy Level |
acclevel |
float |
Accuracy |
accuracy |
Specify the numerical accuracy. In most cases, Default is recommended, in which case SPECTRA automatically arranges all the relevant parameters. |
string - one of below: |
Perform CMD? |
Perform Coherent Mode Decomposition after calculating the Wigner function. |
bool |
Apply GS Model |
GSModel |
Use Gaussian-Schell (GS) model to simplify the CMD and reduce computation time. |
bool |
GS Model X/Y |
GSModelXY |
Use Gaussian-Schell (GS) model for CMD. Select the axis to apply. |
string - one of below: |
Export Field Profile |
CMDfld |
Calculate and export the modal profiles based on the CMD results |
string - one of below: |
Export Intensity Profile |
CMDint |
Calculate and export the modal intensity profiles based on the CMD results |
bool |
Range: X,Y (mm) |
fieldrangexy |
Range of the spatial grid to export the modal profile. |
list |
Range: X (mm) |
fieldrangex |
↑ |
float |
Range: Y (mm) |
fieldrangey |
↑ |
float |
Step: X,Y (mm) |
fieldgridxy |
Intervals of the spatial grid points to export the modal profile. |
list |
Step: X (mm) |
fieldgridx |
↑ |
float |
Step: Y (mm) |
fieldgridy |
↑ |
float |
HG Order Limit (X,Y) |
HGorderxy |
Upper limit of the order of the Hermite-Gaussian functions to be used in the CMD. |
list |
HG Order Limit (X) |
HGorderx |
↑ |
float |
HG Order Limit (Y) |
HGordery |
↑ |
float |
Max. HG Order (X,Y) |
maxHGorderxy |
Maximum orders of the coherent mode. |
list |
Max. HG Order (X) |
maxHGorderx |
↑ |
float |
Max. HG Order (Y) |
maxHGordery |
↑ |
float |
Maximum CMD Order |
maxmode |
Maximum number of the coherent modes for post-processing (exporting the modal profile, reconstructing the Wigner functions). |
float |
Flux Cutoff |
fcutoff |
Cutoff flux (normalized) to be used to determine the maximum HG order of of each coherent mode. |
float |
Amplitude Cutoff |
cutoff |
Cutoff amplitude (normalized) of individual modes, below which Hermite-Gaussian functions are neglected. |
float |
Compare Wigner Function |
CMDcmp |
Reconstruct the Wigner function using the CMD result to check its validity. |
bool |
Compare Intensity Profile |
CMDcmpint |
Reconstruct the flux density profile using the CMD result to check its validity. |
bool |
FEL Mode |
fel |
Coherent radiation in an FEL (free electron laser) mode is calculated. If this option is enabled, interaction (energy exchange) between electrons and radiation is taken into account in solving the equation of electron motion in the 6D phase space. |
string - one of below: |
Seed Spectrum |
seedspec |
dictionary |
Pulse Energy (mJ) |
pulseE |
Seed pulse energy. |
float |
Wavelength (nm) |
wavelen |
Seed wavelength. |
float |
Pulse Length (FWHM, fs) |
pulselen |
Seed pulse length. |
float |
TL. Pulse Length (FWHM, fs) |
tlpulselen |
Transform-limited pulse length of the chirped seed pulse. |
float |
Source Size (FWHM, mm) |
srcsize |
Seed source size. |
float |
Waist Position (m) |
waistpos |
Longitudinal position where the seed pulse forms a beam waist. |
float |
Timing (fs) |
timing |
Relative time of the seed pulse with respect to the electron beam. |
float |
GDD (fs2) |
gdd |
Group delay dispersion and third order dispersion of the chirped seed pulse. |
float |
TOD (fs3) |
tod |
↑ |
float |
Pulse Energy: 1,2 (mJ) |
pulseE_d |
Pulse energies of the 1st and 2nd seed pulses. Available when Seeded with Double Pulse is chosen. Note that there are a number of parameters having the same suffix (1,2), which denotes that they are for the 1st and 2nd seed pulses. |
list |
Wavelength: 1,2 (nm) |
wavelen_d |
list |
TL. Pulse Length: 1,2 (FWHM, fs) |
tlpulselen_d |
list |
Source Size: 1,2 (FWHM, mm) |
srcsize_d |
list |
Waist Position: 1,2 (m) |
waistpos_d |
list |
Timing: 1,2 (fs) |
timing_d |
list |
GDD: 1,2 (fs2) |
gdd_d |
list |
TOD: 1,2 (fs3) |
tod_d |
list |
Step: Initial, Interval (m) |
svstep |
Define the longitudinal step to solve the FEL equation. |
list |
Substeps for Radiation |
radstep |
↑ |
float |
Photon Energy ROI (eV) |
eproi |
Photon energy range of interest to solve the FEL equation. |
list |
Number of Particles |
particles |
Number of macro-particles to represent the electron beam. |
float |
e- Energy Interval |
edevstep |
Interval of the electron energy deviation to export the electron density in the (E-t) phase space. |
float |
R56 (m) |
R56 |
Strength of the virtual dispersive section. Need to be specified if option is enabled. |
float |
Export Intermediate Data |
exportInt |
Export the intermediate data evaluated during the process of solving the FEL equation. |
bool |
Bunch with Dispersion |
R56Bunch |
Export the bunch profile after the electron beam passes through a virtual dispersive section located downstream of the source, as in the high-gain harmonic generation (HGHG) FELs. |
bool |
E-t Data |
exportEt |
Export the electron density in the (E-t) phase space. |
bool |
Output File Settings
Keywords to specify the output file are summarized below. They should be used as the 2nd agument. Refer to Output File Subpanel for more details about each parameter.
Notation in GUI |
Argument |
Detail |
Format |
Format |
format |
Select the format of the output file from three options. |
string - one of below: |
Folder |
folder |
Input the path of the output file in [Folder], a prefix text in [Prefix], and a serial number in [Serial Number]. Then the output file name is given as [Folder]/[Prefix]-[Serial Number].[Format] |
str: path to the directory |
Prefix |
prefix |
↑ |
str |
Comment |
comment |
Input any comment in [Comment] if necessary, which is saved in the output file and can be referred later on. |
str |
Serial Number |
serial |
Input the path of the output file in [Folder], a prefix text in [Prefix], and a serial number in [Serial Number]. Then the output file name is given as [Folder]/[Prefix]-[Serial Number].[Format] |
int |
Other parameters
Numerical accuracy
The numerial accuracy is specified by calling "SetAccuracy()". The 1st argument specifies the numerical procedure (integration, discretization, etc.), and should be one of the followings.
Category |
Menu Items |
Arguments |
Integration/Discretization Step |
Longitudinal Step |
accdisctra |
Transverse Grid |
accinobs |
Electron Energy Step |
accineE |
Photon Energy Step |
accinpE |
Integration Range |
Longitudinal Range |
acclimtra |
Transverse Range |
acclimobs |
Photon Energy Range |
acclimpE |
Electron Energy Range |
acclimeE |
Others |
Harmonic Convergence |
accconvharm |
Energy Consistency |
accEcorr |
Monte Carlo Integral Tolerance |
accconvMC |
Coherent Radiation Integral Tolerance |
accconvMCcoh |
Limit Macroparticles |
acclimMCpart |
Maximum Macroparticles |
accMCpart |
Unit for data import
To import the data prepared by the user, its unit should be specified by calling "SetUnit()". The 1st argment specifies the data type and should be one of the followings.
Menu Items |
Arguments |
Options |
Gap |
gap |
mm, m, cm |
Longitudinal Position (z) |
zpos |
↑ |
Magnetic Field (Bx,y) |
magf |
Tesla, Gauss |
Depth for Volume Power Density |
depth |
mm, m, cm |
Time for Bunch Profile |
time |
mm, m, fs, s, ps |